Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's too late for prop 8.

With all the driving I've been doing this week (my parents were in new york and I was house sitting... going from work, to their house, and then back home) and subsequently listening to a lot of NPR's All Things Considered. It seems to make the drive go by much faster, and I should know this since when I drove across country to Oklahoma the most time seemed to pass when listening to an Audio Book. I think someone talking to you via the airwaves just passes time faster. Anyways, I've been feeling very news involved this week. I know about how BP finally started pumping mud into the oil well and it is going well. (I didn't mean for that to rhyme). They are now contemplating pumping in cement. There was the horrific active shooter incident at a beer distributer in Connecticut, and most importantly (to me anyways) a Federal judge ruled that Prop 8 in California is unconstitutional. All of these things happened this week, and I feel more informed about these issues. I like that I could have a lively debate on these issues, and know the facts behind them. Some weeks I pay more attention to the News than others, and I should just make a consistent effort to know what is going on in the world. Perhaps that is a goal for the rest of the summer, know more about news!

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