Wednesday, July 29, 2009

'holding, number 33. 10 yard penalty. Repeat 3rd down.

Day 2

I just love football. I love september. The start of school, purchasing books, school supplies, cooler temperatures, and the knowledge that across america high schools, colleges, and the pros are gearing up for another football season. I love the competition. I also love that my weekends take on a continuous routine of homework, college football Saturdays, and NFL Sundays. I love the clothing and the food that goes along with football as well. What's better?? You don't even have to worry about missing a game! There are multiple games on at the same time on the same day every week! No matter where you are, you can get football on television, radio, and the web every Sunday during the NFL season. Without fail there is always a local bar serving $1.00 pizza's and .25 cent wings on game day. Bill Simon's always seems to write his best columns during football season (sorry to those who think otherwise). There is endless amounts of information flowing through cbs sports, espn, and other sports outlets about team match ups, hot players, injuries, and scandals going on in the NFL. I love, love, love football.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Don't Believe a Word

I'm not very good at blogging. All these people in the world have blogs and write about extraordinary things. Or at least they seem extraordinary to me. Even movies have taken to representing the journey one goes through about writing a blog on the internet. Julie & Julia for instance is all about someone who cooks a recipe a day from Julia Child's cookbook, and writes about it. I can do that. I can try to do that. I seem to have come to a road block however. I don't feel like I have anything worth blogging about. So let this be my vow, to now blog about things I like or find interesting. At least one a day. I think that would be something I could try and do. I suppose it will be marginally regionalized, and all my topics will surely have a wide spectrum. However, I feel that perhaps finding something I enjoy (and something different) everyday, will give me a little boost of joy at the end of everyday. And now, on with the show.

Day 1
Tuesdays=Trivia Tuesdays.

I love trivia. I really do. I like getting a group of friends together to have a beer, have two for one pizza at the British Beer Company, and play trivia with a room full of strangers. It's competitive. It's funny. It gets intense at points... like when you have to wager points on the last questions that can make or break your whole team's night! I just can't say enough about having your friends congregate at the same place, same time every-week, and having fun.