Sunday, August 8, 2010

At the end, you often reflect on the beginning

For one of my final blogs (for this class anyways) I started to think about the beginning. I enjoy blogging, but never really had much direction. I found with a media focus, to be writing mostly about all the media things I already love. On that note, here is another television blog. Today ends shark week. Every year about this time, the Discovery Channel dedicates and entire week to sharks. I love it. I want more of it. Let's dedicate a whole month! I love that they take a week and year after year come up with riveting programing that educates and enlightens you on a creature that is often cast in a negative media light. They cannot speak, and thus cannot defend themselves when they attach and person or a seal. They are represented as monsters of the sea, killing without reason. I love that the Discovery channel gives a voice to these misunderstood creatures. They are not just mindless killers, but are intelligent creatures that have evolved over millions of years. Thank you shark week for completing my summer.

1 comment:

  1. I finally got to go whale watching this summer for the first time--after four years in Massachusetts. I'm not all that smitten with sharks--although seeing them up close at the NE Aquarium was way cool--but I'd be all for WHALE WEEK...
